"Artists are the radical voice of civilization." - Paul Robeson.
Greetings! Thank you so much for your interest in the HIE Art Gallery with Moving Forward.
What is HIE Art?
HIE Art is a space for Healing, Inspiration and Expression through art, representing the link between Art and Wellness. We have three pillars: creating passive income for artists, supporting Moving Forward (MF) Trauma-Informed Wellness programs for individuals, nonprofits, community clinics and other social service settings and keeping the connection between art and wellness front-of-mind.
The program is designed to support artists and the trauma-informed wellness programs of Moving Forward with the sale from the artist’s work printed on any fabric media such as t-shirts, framed-out canvases and tote bags. The split for the work is 75/25 in favor of the artist.
How does it work?
Artists agree to supply 3-5 pieces MF well use to promote. They can change the art at any time. Moving Forward will only use the art that is current on the website. Moving Forward will handle all vendor relations.
Artists are encouraged to supply a biography and a picture they feel represents them. It could be a head shot or logo, for example. Artists who are inclined toward social media promotion are encouraged to supply their own social media links, like and share HIE Art posts as well. We realize social media engagement isn’t everyone’s thing, so it’s not mandatory.
Artist will also have an opportunity to do a live interview with program coordinator that they may use for promotion as well.
Each artist has their own page on the www.movingforwardwellness.org and enjoys all of the social media marketing promotion from Moving Forward. Patrons see the work on social media, click the link to the Individual Moving Forward Artist’s Page, click on the art, which links directly to the vendor. Patrons then select the item to be printed, and check out with the vendor. The item is printed and dropped shipped from the vendor.
Artists earn 75% of profit. Moving Forward Wellness keeps 25% for site maintenance, promotion and programming.
Moving Forward collects all funds through the vendor, reconciles books and pays out in 15 days of vendor payment to MF, with a 15-day grace for unforeseen issues.
There is no limit to how many pieces an artist may showcase.
Artists sign a collaborators agreement stating the terms of payment, promotion and that they are in agreement with the values and missions of Moving Forward as stated on the Moving Forward website. .
This agreement may be terminated by either party at any time. Artists retain sole rights to all of their work.
All parties agree to transparent communication with regard to any concerns. Working toward the win-win is a Moving Forward Wellness value. We seek to resolve any issues justly, expediently and to the benefit of all concerned. All parties agree to mediation in the event a disagreement cannot be settled between interested parties alone.
Moving Forward Wellness agrees to keep all disputes private and expects collaborators agree to do the same. Moving Forward will not respond in any great detail on social media to anything regarding a dispute.
Looking forward to an uplifting collaboration!
The Moving Forward Wellness Team
Moving Forward Wellness