Thank you for participating with Moving Forward in the HIE art program.
Moving Forward will:
Create and maintain individual artist page
Promote credited artwork on the artist page through social media
Moving Forward will only promote artwork from the HIE Art site unless a separate agreement or amendments to this one has been made. Once a piece has been removed from the artist's page, Moving Forrward no longer retains the right to use that work in promotion unless otherwise stated in writing.
Link the artwork to third party vendor website for creation of final of product
75/25 split of product profit in favor of the artist
Send monthly accounting out by the 15th of the month.
Pay out artist monthly
Within seven business days of being paid from vendor with a 7-Day grace period for unforeseen issues
This agreement will be updated and amended when payment cycle is established
The Artist:
Believes in the mission and values of Moving Forward
Supplies production-ready artwork
Supplies a bio for their MF website
Supplies a picture, image, logo to represent the artist
Allows MFWC to use credited artwork that is currently on the artists HIE Art website
Promotes the HIE Art program and MFWC as they are able
Working toward the win-win is a Moving Forward Wellness Coaching value. All parties agree to transparent communication with regard to any concerns. We seek to resolve any issues justly, expediently and to the benefit of all concerned. All parties agree to a 3rd party mutually agreed upon mediator in the event a disagreement cannot be settled between interested parties alone.
MF agrees to keep all disputes private and hopes collaborators do the same. MF will not respond in any great detail on social media to anything regarding a dispute.
This agreement may be terminated by either party at any time by sending an email to that effect. Upon receipt of the email, all parties will immediately cease to use artwork for MFWC promotion. MFWC will remove artists' pages within 7 business days of email receipt or sending.
I agree to the terms presented in this document.
Artists Name: Moving Forward Rep:
Artists e-signature: Moving Forward E-signature:
Date: Date:
Moving Forward Wellness